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to Frank Chu and the people who ask, Our guarantee to you: nothing but sloppy, unprofessional, and lame web design contained within (not responsible for linked pages) |
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asked this question on craigslist... I love this guy, but does anyone know what his deal is? I mean, okay he's apparently a little whacked, but still.... But he's serious about his job, and he does it pretty well. Always out there, working the beat; always wearing presentable professional attire; never rude or intimidating; he's got that nice sign... There are just so few of these reliable, endearingly whacky characters in SF, so it's nice to have at least one. I actually heard him talking the other day; usually he goes about his work silently, but he was vocalizing his message as well on this particular day. I was struck by how deep and raspy his voice is (not entirely un-Tom Waits-like) and the fact that, yes, what he was saying made no sense, but he had a great delivery, like he was reciting beat poetry. Fascinating! ...and it was clear from the responses that I got that I'm not the only fan around: The latest issue of the Bay Guardian (page 63 to be exact) had him voted as the best protestor. His name is Frank Chiu but other than that there was nothing more detailed. Last October I saw a woman dressed up as him wandering around the Financial District on Halloween. Everyone got the joke! Awhile back one of the newspapers (might be the Chronicle) had an article about pirated software, Microsoft and other venders had booths set up in Justin Herman Square for people to exchange any illegal stuff they had. That guy was there, the reporter asked him a few questions. Gave his name, lived in Oakland, explained his theory. Sounded like whatever his message is he believes in it. I clipped the article but lost it. Someone I work w/ said they once saw him months ago advertising for Learn It (or one of those training places)on his sign. Brilliant advertising but I have yet to see him doing it. I'd like to know what his deal is too, if you find out please let me in on it. Good luck. I share the same appreciation and professional admiration for this footsoldier of the apocalypse. I asked him one time what he was going to do after Clinton left...his response, in a surprisingly banker-esque tone, was "Crusade for the first-ever impeachment of a non-acting President." Hmmm. To each his own. yeah, i approached this guy one day and asked him what his deal was and maaaaan oh man, is he ever weird. he was basically unintelligible, but i did catch something about him being denied his rightful movie-star status because he is from a different universe. can you believe the nerve of those hollywood execs denying this guy his rightful claim to fame just because he's not from this neck of the woods?? he also said something about clinton, kennedy, lincoln, and a bevy of other presidents past being from a different universe and also being behind the denial of his rightful world fame. pretty cool, huh? I see him nearly every day on my way to work. =) Actually, I was hoping your posting was actually a posting from the man himself, but no such luck, I guess. The Bay Guardian picked him as the year's best protester. They did have a lil info on him, take a look here: http://www.bestofthebay.com/2000/ed_urban.html and scroll down or do a text search for Best Protestor. I saw your note on that guy who walks around the Financial district with that nutty sign. A few years ago, he was all about impeaching Reagan, Bush and Clinton. Now, he speaks of Ultratronic galaxies and what not. I saw him a couple of months ago in the backdrop of an on the scene, nightly news segment. That was a random moment of humor. I don't know what his trip is, but he is distinctly, San Francisco. Take it easy- |
Zegnatronic Links Visit the 12 Galaxies discussion board--tell us the latest news about the Rocket Society! New & Improved! Now fortified with Altralogical video clips! Project 1525 showcases the freaky side of SF, including our Fearless Leader. Exclusive! 12 Galaxian "Lil' Lisa" has dug up a copy of Frank Chu's resume! Don't miss it! (Special thanks to Lil' Lisa!) New! Beave Smithers and the Snaggletooth babes ask "Who is Frank Chu & What the Hell is Going on Here?" Indeed. Spacey! Taylor Singletary has composed a (spacy instrumental) song titled "To an Ostrological Rocket Society." Check it out! Weenietronic! Good ol' Weeniepatchu (the newest Pokemon character?) has an interview and some photos! Brief! Story Time presents 60 words and one photo of Mr. Chu. Another excellent page: Zegnatronic Rocket Society (be sure to listen to the MP3 at the bottom) Bike messenger Paul is down with Frank: visit his page (also look here, at the very bottom) Ben Brown's weblog (relevant bits excerpted here, with apologies to Ben) has some fascinating history about Frank (This way to Ben's full and unexpurgated weblog, in case you're interested.) Matier & Ross blurb on the 12 Galaxies (at the end under the incongruous heading "OIL SLICK") SF Business Times (mentioned in the next to last paragraph) |